How many of you recognize this photo?

Yep, it's the A-Team, that awesome show from the 80's that all of our fathers got us to watch, and of course we thought it was awesome. Who wouldn't love Mr. T, with all his bling. That was back when bling wasn't cool yet, I wonder if he was responsible for that trend? Hmmmm. Anyway, Ross has gotten ahold of all of the episodes and he and the kids have been watching them non-stop. They love them! Then yesterday while I was cleaning, the boys were playing outside and I overheard Caden calling Brayden Murdock. He is the insane member of the team. I said so if Brayden is Murdock then who are you? Of course he is Mr. T's character, BA Baracas (spelling?). Ross and I got a big kick out of that. I do have to say though, with all the crap that is on TV nowdays, I am glad my kids love these old shows, where I don't have to worry.
Dear Jami & Ross,
I just had the best time ever reading all of the blogs on your page. (Even though I have a million other things to do, it was so worth it!)
It was totally awesome to see the photos of the wedding. I just looked and looked at them. What an incredible family you are.
I also loved the baseball stories and the photos. The look on Caden's face and determination in Braden's stance are good enough for the Reader's Digest! Just priceless!
Thankyou for giving me a glimpse into your lives. I can't wait to meet Jami, Courtney, and Caden, and I can't wait to see Ross and Brayden again. I think Brayden was a toddler when I last saw him. I need to visit when I'm next in Utah.
Excellent blog! I wish I had one! Maybe in February! Ha! Dream on....
From Sharon Krey
Long time friend to the Lee Family beginning in Milton-Freewater, became best friend to Vicki the minute I met her, which means we all recognized each other -- children included -- from the heart pulls from our premortal life! Yup, I totally believe that!
Thanks again, Jami, for the great blog.
I do! I loved the A-team! You have such a beautiful family! I am so glad we can keep up dated now!
Hey Jami, just wanted to say hi
check out my blog.
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