Believe it or not, this was Ross' doing-since Scooby is a part of the family, she had to get all pretty too!

Isn't she pretty? Ross got the tiara for her, aaah sweet!

Courtney and Ross coming down the aisle

Jami and the boys

Putting on Ross' ring

Kissy Kissy!

Ross putting on Jami's ring

What a beautiful family!

Just relaxing from all the picture taking

What a good man, no shoving of the cake!

Isn't the cake topper fitting??
Yugs, daw nabasahan ko naman ni sa iban nga blog?
Well done for this wonderful blog.
You seriously have the cutest family! 4 months late, but congrats on the marriage. I would have told you sooner, but I didn't get invited ot it, just kidding. I really wish you both the best! Some day we will have to have a family reunion so your kids will know there are others.....
You look beautiful! Congrats!
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