Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Men will be...boys??

So yesterday morning the kids and I woke up to find Springville City employees tearing a big hole in the sidewalk at the intersection between the side and the front. We think they are going to replace the crumbled mess of a sidewalk that was previously there. When I got home from getting my hair colored, Ross and the kids were outside (minus Brayden as he is with his mom for his summer break) playing. Ross had been doing some jackhammering to the lawn (long story) and they were just kind of relaxing. Being that it was almost 8, I went into the house to fix dinner and clean the kitchen. A little while later Ross comes into the house with his “fake mad” face, saying that I have to come and see what the kids have done. This usually means that something is a mess and it was all Ross’ idea, lol. I go outside to see that they have filled the hole with water and Ross had made a ramp going from the hole onto the sidewalk. The kids were riding their bikes, getting a good speed going and hitting the ginormous mud puddle. Needless to say, they were having a blast, and who am I to ruin their fun. Ross tried to take pictures but our camera is on the fritz so we have no proof of this blessed event, dang it! By the end of the night Courtney, 3 of the neighbor girls, and Cade were covered in mud. I actually think Cade must have sat in the puddle and had a mud bath because he was covered from the tip of his head to the bottom of his shoes. Their clothes will never be the same, but like Ross says, as long as the kids are having fun, they will remember this stuff for a lifetime. He is such a great dad, and a great husband. He amazes me all the time with the sweet things that he does for us, we are so blessed to have him. Love you babe!!

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